Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Met my IPS in person today!

I met my IPs R & L today.
it was my mom and I with them, and we went to Starbucks and chatted for about 2 1/2 hours! It was great and even better than I thought. My IM and IF are such a cute irish couple. She is short, and he is so tall. and There eye glasses kinda match, hers are pink, and his grey and black. We are going out to dinner tonight and meeting their 3 boys.
They picked a japanese resturant named Sakura, and will sit and have our meas prepared before our eyes. how cool! Ive alays wanted to go to a place like that.
I also got the transfer time at CFA bridgeport (July 27th just like I guessed!)- 9:30, but I need to be there at 9:00am.
IM hard from the emryoloigist, and says they have 8 or 10 I cant remember, emryos. and didnt know if PGD would be recomended. The Embryologist said they were growing fast, an great sign!
speaking of signs, we have been surrounded with them, too many to list but they are great signs!
no pics of my IPs yet, ike a silly head, I forgot to take out my camera, I was talking too much.
efore we met up, my mom and I went to the Beardsley Zoo, which was a poor excuse for a zoo, I felt bad for the majority of the animals they had there in teeny cages. and some of the room, smelt AWFUL.
there are some pics from there. it was a very tiny zoo.
And what is the deal with the DUNCAN DONUTS??!! they are everywhere!!
also pics of he beach park we went to- bridgeport seaside park
( and Bridgepor is kinda ghetto, just like everyone was saying)
link to pics I took so far-
here is the front of the bilding where CFA and my transfer is going to be
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